This we all know that how important it has become to have a website if you have a business to do- it does not matter whether it is big, medium or large scaled. Therefore, without wasting the time on describing the importance of the website, I would directly jump on the tips and trick to hire a website design company for your new project. The tips go like this- Hire the one with sound technical and marketing knowledge: Website designing and its marketing are interconnected and hence, despite looking for two individuals for designing and marketing, it would be rather appreciable to have one army- hence, must check their skills in designing and marketing both. The designer must have a hands-on experience in SEO friendly website designing: Now, whomever you select for the website design, make sure the person must have a good knowledge of SEO and knows how to make a SEO friendly website. The website he would make must be responsive: As we have seen the increase in the us...